Monday, March 12, 2007

New age work at home plan by Beryl Payton

This may sound a bit harsh, but it's a fact...
Deep inside every human being (OK, maybe just under the surface) is a truly lazy bum who wishes they were rich enough to never have to work again.
Maybe not "Bill Gates rich", but comfortable enough to do whatever they want every day. No job, no debt, no worries. You know... financially independent. In fact, this is a life-long goal of many people. "Retirement" is the word that career people use.
Come On, Admit It...
You've bought a lottery ticket or two in your day, (I have too!) with the hope of making some easy money. Not just big money, but "quit your job" money. And unless you won the big one, you'll buy another ticket or two in your lifetime. It's human nature. Hey, why not take an occasional stab at early retirement.
That's why you see so many get rich quick schemes in your mailbox and in your email. Because millions of people would rather stay home every day instead of going to work.
The one that still makes me chuckle is the letter from that guy who claims he made $286,000 by sending a chain letter to 100 people. It seems he was earning a good living as a lawyer but gave up his practice when the chain letter money started rolling in. Now he spends his days at the race track. Ah, the life of luxury.
If only it were that easy.
The sad fact is, nobody is getting rich with chain letters. And only one in every 180 million people will ever hit the big one in the lottery.
So unless you have a huge inheritance coming your way when Uncle Joe kicks the bucket, that leaves only one way to become financially independent -- you have to do it on your own.
But how in the world does someone accomplish that monumental feat?
The Old "Flawed" 20th Century Plan...
Well, in the previous century, a small percentage of people did it with something called a career and life savings. You know the idea, work a job for 35 years or so, scrimp and save along the way and retire around age 65 with a nice nest egg.
Although this was pretty much a universally accepted plan for wealth during the 1900's, there was a problem many people never discussed... a little matter called life expectancy.
Even near the end of the 20th century, between 1980 and 1998, when the world's average life expectancy soared... people lived only to the ripe old age of 67 years.
You do the math. That's right, that leaves a whopping 2 years to reap the rewards of all that hard work and saving.
If you ask me, that's not a good plan at all.
What good is a life savings if you have so very little life left to enjoy it?
Now maybe you're thinking... "Hey, that's not a bad plan now. After all, at start of the 21st century, life expectancies are reaching some 77 years. That's 12 years of retirement. Maybe I could retire a little early and live a little longer."
That plan is actually getting worse. Here's why...
If you think that the ideal path to financial security looks like this...
Go to school, graduate, get a good job for a good company, save for retirement, retire comfortably, travel and enjoy your golden years... may be in for a big surprise -- a surprise that happens when it's already too late.
The surprise is this.... a mere 5% of people following that path ever achieve a comfortable, financially independent retirement.
Isn't that a shocking number?
That leaves a full 95% of well-intentioned, hard working people relying on government assistance, inadequate pensions, family members, or worse -- having to keep working -- just to make ends meet.
I don't know about you, but I'd like to enjoy my golden years - not just make ends meet.
Heck, I'd like to enjoy my entire life for that matter. Why wait until the golden years?
And I can't do that if I'm slaving away for "the man" five or more days a week, hoping I won't be too old or sick to enjoy those last few years at the end.
So ten years ago I decided to do something about it.
The New 21st Century Plan...
I was fed up with working my butt off and still struggling to make ends meet. So I decided to try something new. I figured I could always go back to my life of jobs if my plan did not work.
I was dumbfounded when I was able to leave my last job that very same year. Today I'll share with you, the plan that made it happen. (Again, I'm going to give you this information, so relax and keep reading.)
Though I did not have a name for my plan back then, I now call it...
The New Age Work at Home Plan: "Internet-Based Financial Independence in 10 Simple Steps"
You see, now I'm that lazy bum I always wanted to be. OK, maybe I'm not that lazy, but I expend my energy where I want to. I use it to play with my kids. I travel with my family. I play golf a few times a week. I'm able to live the life I want because I make a comfortable living from home, using the Internet.
How comfortable? While I do not want to hype this site up with wild income claims, you can take a quick peek at a report I ran at my shopping cart. It shows you what my monthly income looked like during 2005, from just ONE of my sites...
Oh, and in case you're wondering if things are still going well, here's a more recent screenshot from my shopping cart...
Now I'm not saying everyone who reads the Special Report I'm giving away at this site will do that well. All I'm saying is that I've proven it's possible.
And I'm not the only one doing this. There are scores of people now living life without a job. I know because many of my clients are doing it. People like Scott Britner who changed his life in just 18 days...
Hey, Jeana!
I just wanted to say a huge "Thanks!" for all your assistance.
I can still remember living paycheck to paycheck... not even being able to buy hearing aids for my children. I felt like such a failure.
Within just 18 days of working with you, I launched my first product and made over $15,000. It was more than enough to buy my children's hearing aids and take them on an all expense paid trip to Disney World.
Now, I'm on target to make over $500,000 this year. You are the king of helping people make a living online. I can't wait to learn more of your secrets in your new project. Let me know when it's finished so I can buy my copy.
Take care. Scott M. Britner Winterville, North Carolina
Now I don't know about Scott, but income like that can really make a guy lazy, believe me. The only time I ever set an alarm clock is when I'm heading out on vacation and the flight leaves early. Not that I take many vacations, I don't really need a break from anything.
But I didn't write this web page to talk about me. If you want to read about me just search the web for home business and you'll find tons of info on me.
I want to get back to you and the Special Report I'm about to give you. By now, if you have any sense at all, you're clutching for your wallet thinking a sales pitch is about to come. You can relax. I set this site up to give you the report.
Why Would You Just Give Me The Special Report, Jeana?...
In a word... Loyalty. I have more than 150,000 loyal subscribers to my newsletter called BizWeb eGazette. Most of these folks have been with me for years and years. (Chances are, you arrived here via a personal referral from one of those folks.) To reward them for their loyalty, I've given them the opportunity to GIVE YOU my Special Report containing all the information I acted on to get where I am today.
How does giving my report away help them?
That's easy too. It's a chance for them to make some points by helping their friends, subscribers and customers. It also gives them a unique chance to make a few bucks in the process. But again, you can relax. You do not have to spend one red cent. If you arrived here by a personal referral, you already know the secret link on this page that will bypass the order form. And I'll explain how they (and you!) can make money from this site when you grab the report.
For now, just consider yourself fortunate to have made that special connection. It's about to pay off nicely.
If you're still not sure you want to bother looking at the Special Report, ask yourself if you've ever had any of these thoughts... "I wish I did not have to get up so early every day." "I wish my boss wasn't such a jerk." "I wish my boss wasn't such an idiot, I know more than he/she does and I make less money!" "I wish I could hit the lottery so I could quit this damn job." "Why am I working so hard and seeing more debt at the end of the month, instead of more savings?" "How am I ever going to retire on this salary?" "Will I be working until I'm 70? Will 'they' even let me keep my job that long?" "I wish I was born rich!" "I wish I had a filthy rich relative so I could inherit their wealth some day." "Damn, it's Sunday night and it starts all over again tomorrow."
Finally, Ask Yourself One Last Question...
Have you ever taken serious action to change all that?
Taking action is the only key that can unlock a new future for you and your loved ones.
Why not make today the day you turn that key and start getting informed -- the day you take action to live your life exactly how you want to live it. Why not take a peek at my 10 Step Plan.
You can use it to start your own online business, or just give it away to others and watch it generate income for you...
I doubt it will make you lazier than me, but you never know. Though one thing is for sure, once you discover my 10 secrets, you'll easily be able to "out-lazy" all your friends and family!
Ready To Grab The Special Report?
Here's how to get it immediately...
If you were sent here with a bit of inside information, you can get the Special Report for FREE right now by clicking on the secret "order form bypass link" at this page. Get the link at the bottom of this page. Make usre when you get there, to scroll to the bottom of the page and click on the key for free access.
Go ahead. You may be shocked at how this report can change your life.
If you were not sent here by a personal referral, you can BUY the Special Report: The New Age Work at Home Plan: "Internet-Based Financial Independence in 10 Simple Steps" for $97.00 right here...
( Inc. (Ohio, USA) is an authorized retailer for goods and services provided by JDD Publishing.)
Thanks so much for reading this page in its entirety. I hope you enjoy the special report. And more importantly, I hope it empowers you to take complete control of your finances, your time, and your life, starting right now!
Sincerely, Beryl
P.S. If you were not referred by someone but still want the report for free, you may want to try a search at You might find one of my subscribers sharing the secret order form bypass link by searching for "New Age Work at Home Plan". (Hint: Try a search with the quotation marks included).


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